Family Technologies
© 1995 - 2018  Family Technologies
Created by Family Technologies, using Xara

Body Light Sculpting

Hi Intensity LED light can release lipids from adipose tissue.  This principle is the means by which the Body Light system can literally trim inches from the belly, thighs, arms and other areas in which troublesome fat deposits are found. It is safe, painless and quick; typically a 15 minute session.  The Body Light uses IR frequency LEDs which can penetrate to twice the depth of red LEDs.  It can drive 2 independent channels of 8 paddles each with separate timers and power settings.  Each LED paddle contains 10 high intensity LEDs.

ASA - Allergic Potential Relief

The ASA system using a proprietary technology to evaluate allergic potential against a database of many thousands of items.  Customized lists can be produced for individuals and new items may be added to the database.   A scan is performed using this data while monitoring feedback via a wristcuff with 10 electrodes. After scanning and balancing, an adjustment stimulus is provided via low power red, green, blue lasers to standardized acupuncture points.  

WaveFront 3000 BioEnergy

The WaveFront 3000 is based on methodologies developed by a German physicist which make it possible to detect, replicate and invert the tiny energetic emanations from organic materials. The WaveFront provides an input well and output well and simple control interface to  reproduce, or invert the bioenergy field detected from the input well.  It is also possible to directly drive the WaveFront output well from computer software.
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Products for the


Downloads for Body Light system owners
Downloads for ASA system owners
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A USB adapter is available for the WaveFront 2000 to connect to a USB port. Order from Family Technologies 716.792.9679
Family Technologies
© 1995 - 2018  Family Technologies
Created using Xara

Body Light


Hi Intensity LED light can release lipids from adipose tissue.  This principle is the means by which the Body Light system can literally trim inches from the belly, thighs, arms and other areas in which troublesome fat deposits are found. It is safe, painless and quick; typically a 15 minute session.  The Body Light uses IR frequency LEDs which can penetrate to twice the depth of red LEDs.  It can drive 2 independent channels of 8 paddles each with separate timers and power settings.  Each LED paddle contains 10 high intensity LEDs.

ASA - Allergic

Potential Relief

The ASA system using a proprietary technology to evaluate allergic potential against a database of many thousands of items.  Customized lists can be produced for individuals and new items may be added to the database.   A scan is performed using this data while monitoring feedback via a wristcuff with 10 electrodes. After scanning and balancing, an adjustment stimulus is provided via low power red, green, blue lasers to standardized acupuncture points.  

WaveFront 3000


The WaveFront 3000 is based on methodologies developed by a German physicist which make it possible to detect, replicate and invert the tiny energetic emanations from organic materials. The WaveFront provides an input well and output well and simple control interface to  reproduce, or invert the bioenergy field detected from the input well.  It is also possible to directly drive the WaveFront output well from computer software.
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Products for the


Downloads for Body Light system owners
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Downloads for ASA system owners